RSG! Virtual Series 2023-2024
In 2020, we launched an eight-week virtual classroom series to supplement the missing curriculum from long-distance learning. We pledged to keep the program free and accessible online for all to access. RSG! used the key aspects of the in-person sessions to transform them into concise 30-minute thematic sessions. Each session is paired with a worksheet that allows students to work alongside their RSG! mentor.

Note for teachers:
Research reveals time and again that students with social and emotional skills perform better academically, have stronger relationships with peers and teachers, experience greater well-being, and engage in less risky behavior. In addition, SEL skills positively impact education, employment, and mental health outcomes into adulthood. The first episode of the Fall Series focuses on "Flipping the Switch."
Teachers, welcome to the new school year! I'm sure you can't believe wthat we are in the fall of2023 already! We are excited to provide you and your students with the RSG! Fall 2023 Virtual Series Curriculum to enhance student experiences. We hope you have a great school year, and we are here to support you! - Your RSG! Family
Fall 2023 Virtual Series Episode 1- Cody Jones

A Note From Merrill:
“Hi, teachers! I am so excited to talk with you and your students about a topic that helped me reach my goal of going to the Olympics. As an RSG! Olympic mentor, I cheer your journey on to help you accomplish your goals.”
3x Olympian: Merrill Moses
Topic: Strength and Feedback

Note from John Naber:
“My healthy eating choices were one of the components that separated me from my competitors. I knew that if I wanted to perform my best, in and out of the pool, I would need to make healthier choices in the kitchen. I challenge you to be conscious of the nutrition that your food is giving you. Do you need energy? Have an apple with peanut butter instead of goldfish. Want to make sure you have enough energy to get you through a big test or a game? Make the wrap we showed you today! I can’t wait to hear what types of wraps you are making!” - Olympic Swimmer and RSG! Chairman, John Naber
Olympian: John Moffet and John Naber
Topic: Cooking and Self-Management

A Note From David:
A Note From David: “Teachers, I know the Virtual Series is about the students, but I want to challenge you, too! The growth mindset keeps you focused on what it takes to succeed and how to use the most powerful ingredient to do so: YOU. You are the ultimate ingredient in this, and that is pretty darn amazing. Get involved with your students through this activity, participate in the worksheet, and work out with them!”
Paralympian: David Garza
Topic: Growth Mindset and Endurance

A Note From Rada:
“This month we are focusing on self-efficacy to help students understand the power of their beliefs to influence their choices and accomplishments. Teachers, it is important to encourage students to claim their dreams and persist in their accomplishment.”
Olympian: Rada Owen
Topic: Balance and Self-Efficacy

A Note From Tri:
I challenge you to commit yourselves to living healthy. I am going to join you and help you create healthy routines starting with working on flexibility. I didn’t see results right away, but over the years I started to notice my performance was just that much better than my competitors because I was trying to live a healthy lifestyle year-round. Together, we are going to work on flexibility to prevent injury!
Olympian: Tri Bourne
Topic: Flexibility and Healthy Living

A Note From Natalia:
Educators, you have seen so many obstacles over the last two years. But, look at you now! It might have been (and still may be) a rocky road, but keeping a positive outlook will help you achieve your goals. What helped me appreciate the challenges is looking at how I can take those experiences and learn from them. Two-time Paralympic Gold in Wheelchair Tennis, Natalia Mayara (Brazil)
Paralympian: Natalia Mayara
Topic: Strength & Attitude

A Note From Donald:
When completing this month's strength workout, be present and feel your muscles contracting. Try and focus on the task at hand. This relates to all aspects of life, even when you are having a meal with your family. Turn off the tv, put down the phone and savor the moment that is in front of you.
Olympian: Donald Suxho
Topic: Mindful and Present

Challenges: SEL
Challenges will always come up in sports and everyday life, even for the best in the world, but the key to success is determining how to overcome those challenges. Use the lessons learned from these setbacks to achieve your goals.
Fitness Challenge:
Balance is important for many activities we do every day, such as walking and going up and down the stairs. I want to challenge you to complete this workout twice a week and take note of how you improve your balance each week!
Olympian: Jordan Wilimovsky
Topic: Balance and Embracing Challenges

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