Jan 2020

Push Ups with Allen James

Track & Field Olympian Olympian Allen James made his third visit to Rancho Dominguez in December.
Michaela Reynolds

“I want to help you all be your best, what we do comes out of who we believe we are”

-Allen James, Track & Field Olympian

Olympian Allen James made his third visit to Rancho Dominguez in December.

Coach Allen led his class of middle school students in a warm up of static stretches, dynamic stretching and a half-mile run.

The main focus of the visit was preparing for the push up portion of the FitnessGram test.  

Coach Allen demonstrated the proper way to do a push up as well as a modified version that will help the students work up to 15 full push ups.

The students at Rancho Dominguez continue to work hard and are excited to pass their FitnessGram test along side of Olympian Allen James.

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